I came across an interesting article signed by Paul Krugman (Nobel price of Economics, Princeton Professor and NY Times columnist) drawing a detailed picture of the Euro crisis. Key take out is that the Euro zone who recently showed alarming sings of weaknesses will have a hard time, if ever, operate and perform as its American counterpart, the "Dollar Zone" (The United States of America) as it lacks essential elements of a normally functioning monetary union: Federal authorities able to support performance of weaker links, an integrated fiscal system as well as cultural binds- strong reference to language. A parallel is drawn between two members of both "Economic Zones": The state of Nevada in the US and Ireland in EU to show how the notion of being part of a Nation makes one member better off in similar crisis scenarios A second one is drawn between the management of the current euro crisis and Argentina's confidence crisis (Early year 2000) t...
Le capital est Humain, Intellectuel, Social, Physique, Naturel, Financier, Economique, Culturel et j'en passe... ce sont là les données d'une même equation.