Financing possibilities of the DRC economy are scarce. Similarly to the entire Sub-Saharan Africa, DRC is a market mainly attractive to bankers for transactional purposes likely to be sustained by the large amount of prospective clients. In view of local bank’s timid funding strategies, looking at the country for the potential it holds to host attractive venture opportunities is seldom the rule. This is especially true for start up companies which most scholars believe remain a significant component of the solution to the region’s development issues; despite their high-risk nature. I therefore borrowed key note speaker star Josh Linkner’s model for disciplined dreaming and asked myself his three key questions concerning the subject matter: Why? What if? Why not? Why? The reason why start ups firm fail to develop in the Congolese context is often attributed to a vicious circle citing lack of financing as the main reason. But do we have what it...
Le capital est Humain, Intellectuel, Social, Physique, Naturel, Financier, Economique, Culturel et j'en passe... ce sont là les données d'une même equation.